Friday, April 10, 2009

Purple Envelope Project

The Red Envelope Project was a huge success. Over 2 million pro-lifers made their voices heard.
It showed me how powerful this type of campaign could be, and gave me an idea to put our numbers to use.

This is Holy Week and we are celebrating the Resurrection. I think it is the perfect time to support those who are working to support life and saving children from abortion.

CareNet and Heartbeat Int. are wonderful organizations that have Crisis Pregnancy Centers all over the country. I have no affiliation with them, but I have heard nothing but good things about both and the work that they do.
Here's a link to their sites: and

Let's take advantage of our numbers and send PURPLE envelopes to Care Net or Heartbeat Int. If you can't find a purple envelope, use a WHITE envelope and write "Purple Envelope Project" on the back. Here's the twist. Instead of sending empty envelopes, PUT IN 1 DOLLAR.

Just think how much we can raise for CareNet and Heartbeat Int. if everyone who sent a red envelope to the White House sends them a purple envelope!

Write this message:
Thank you for all that you do to protect life. Life begins at conception. We appreciate the work you do that helps women choose life. God bless you and your work.

This, like the Red Envelope Project, is something that you can do with your family. Please send your envelope and dollar to one or both of these great organizations.

Here's the addresses:
Care Net
PO Box 758530
Topeka, KS 66675-8530

Heartbeat Int.
665 E. Dublin-Granville Road, Suite 440,
Columbus, OH 43229, USA
Please leave a comment in the comment section if you're planning on participating!


  1. I would do this, but I'm from Australia, would Australian $ still help? :)

  2. Jessica, I'm not sure if they could handle Australian cash, but you can donate online using a card. Here's a link to their donation page.

    Also, feel free to send a note of support!

  3. Awesome idea! I will be adding this to
    Hope 2009 Walk For Life 4 Locations Virginia April 25th,2009
    It has other ideas on how to help CPCs!

  4. Great ideas! Thanks for adding this to the list.

  5. Great Idea! We have a monthly Women of the Bible Discussion Series- Our next meeting is Sat. May 9th and I will present it to the women -perhaps by then I can find purple envelopes. Again great idea.

  6. That sounds great, Debrah. As for finding purple envelopes- I just bought an inexpensive card that happened to have a purple envelope. There are several out right now thanks to Easter/Mother's Day.

    If you can't find a purple envelope, don't worry. Just use a plain white envelope and write in purple ink!

  7. Hi -- we could use some help -- donations are down and it is starting to hurt!

    " We believe all human life is sacred and a gift from God. HER CHOICE Birmingham Woman's Center exist to help women facing a crisis pregnancy to choose life, and to help support them with that decision."

    Check us out - address on website.
    God Bless

  8. Elizabeth, I'd like to get in touch with you directly. Are you available at the email address listed on your organization's website?

    If not, you can send me an email at and I will get right back to you!

    I definitely want to help your center, and I'd like to talk with you about how best to do that.

  9. Sorry for posting under two names. I have a general email account and a specific account for this project. If I'm signed in to my general account when I comment it signs my posts as Lauren.

    I'll try to make sure that I am signed in to the Purple Envelope Project account from now on!

  10. Heartbeat International and Care Net jointly operate the 24/7 call center, Option Line.

  11. Hello,

    I will participate as well! A very good cause:)

  12. Yes, I will be participating!! :)

  13. I am so thankful for the purple envelope campaign! How many red envelopes were sent out to the President?? How much in stamps and envelopes did that cost?? We are a crisis pregnancy center who is struggling to get out of the red and we continue to see charitable giving go down. How fruitful would it have been if everyone who felt they needed to make a pro-life difference by spending money on red envelopes to the President would have spent that money on supporting crisis pregnancy centers where it truly matters!

  14. You may want to correct the address for Care Net. I don't know what organization the Topeka address is connected to (probably a local Care Net pregnancy care center), but the national organization's address is 44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200, Lansdowne, Virginia 20176. Other contact information -, (703) 554-8734,

    I think this is a terrific project, and I said something similar when the Red Envelope campaign was promoted. I encouraged people to put a note inside their red envelope saying, "Now more than ever, pregnancy care centers must survive. Because they're so important, I made a contribution of $__ to my local center."

    I'd like to suggest the same now. People can look in their Yellow Pages under 'abortion alternatives' or online at to find their nearest center. That may be more important than supporting national groups such as Heartbeat or Care Net, although they are worthy causes.

  15. The address on the Care Net website is the Topeka, KS address. It's not an affiliate, but probably their mail processing address.

  16. Thanks for the address information, Michele. Another person has also given me the VA address. Since CareNet lists the KS address on their website, I am going to call to check which address they would perfer the letters be sent.

  17. The purple envelope project is a great idea, and I will participate! Local pro-life organizations (like mine here in Hawai'i) are struggling, too. If we all could give a little at this time for our local groups, too, it would be a blessing, and our prayers are just as important, too!

  18. I hope the dollars get there. I have had contents of my envelopes stolen by postal workers on more than one occasion, but I think they could feel something inside. If some of these hopefully few, "bad" postal workers knew there were dollars in PURPLE envelopes, they might have a field day.

  19. JMJ, I thought about that too. Since it's a federal crime to tamper with mail, I am hopeful that theives will be discouraged. I'm also hopeful that the postal dept would fire and prosecute anyone cought stealing.

  20. Thanks for this! Can't wait to pass this on. God bless !

  21. I am about to address the envelopes so that our group can send them out and as I read the comments I see that the address for CareNet seems to be in question...please confirm the address-thank you.

  22. Deeper, the address for CareNet is the P.O. Box in Topeka. I spoke with Kay from CareNet and she informed me that the Topeka address handles their mass mail and is where the envelopes can be properly coded.

    Thank you so much for joining the project! I hope that clears up any confusion.

  23. I will support this project as I did the Red Project Campaign and the 40 days for LIFE.

    Thank you and may GOD be glorified and lives be saved!
